Junior Training

Junior Training

Youth are the future of the sport! One of my missions in coaching is to turn young people on to sport! Whether it’s swimming, cycling, running, or all three!  Unfortunately, this current generation is the most obese in history.  To top it off, now they are suffering from a condition known as “text neck” (which is neck pain/injury sustained from looking down at a cell phone or computer too long)

My experience in youth development is broad starting from newcomers up to qualifying youth for a world championship competition. I started, developed, and ran highly successful youth training both in Australia and here in the USA.

Triathlon is a great sport to integrate into some one’s life at any age. When a young person implements a triathlon, they develop not only in the mind, but they are building and strengthening the body in a more complete fashion. It’s a great compliment to other sports as the confidence and self-belief skills attained can be implemented their whole life!


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